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    Deutsches Institut für Kautschuktechnologie e.V.

    Eupener Str. 33


    +49 511 8420110

    As per its charter, the Deutsche Institut für Kautschuktechnologie e. V. (DIK) was founded in 1981 on the initiative of the German rubber industry and the Lower Saxony Ministry for Economics, Labor and Transport. Since commencement of its active engagement in the areas of processing technology and elastomer chemistry and physics in 1984, DIK has evolved into a respected research institution that now enjoys international renown. Several factors paved the way to this success and to the development of the Institute into a competence center for rubber technology. For one thing, there is the unflagging service readiness of its staff and management. Then there is the support provided by the member companies, the Deutsche Kautschuk-Gesellschaft (DKG) [German Rubber Society], the Wirtschaftsverband der deutschen Kautschukindustrie (WDK) [organization of the German manufacturers of tires and technical elastomers], the Lower Saxony Ministry for Economics, Labor and Transport and the Arbeitgeberverband der Deutschen Kautschukindustrie (ADK) [employers' federation of the German rubber industry]. This institute's success is, however, also the product of its unique underlying concept, which unites under one roof the various natural science and engineering disciplines having a bearing on rubber and polymer materials. This focus has enabled DIK to establish itself internationally as an institute of cross-sectional character unparalleled in its own way. We believe the combination of research and entrepreneurial focus to admirably position DIK as a know-how partner and service provider to the European rubber industry and its suppliers. In particular, the users of elastomer products themselves — the machinery construction or auto industries together with their suppliers — stand to profit from DIK's competence. Special priority is assigned the training and ongoing development of qualified employees for the rubber industry - whether at the entry level or in a specialist capacity. In cooperation with the Wirtschaftsverband der deutschen Kautschukindustrie (WDK) and Leibniz Universität Hannover, a continuing education and training course of studies in rubber technology ["Weiterbildungsstudium Kautschuktechnologie (WBS)"] has successfully been implemented since 1985. Here, rubber industry professionals can enroll in a decidedly job-related program of a high academic caliber. This unique offering gives those participating the wherewithal to become national and international rubber experts.

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